Category: 2024 Meetings

21 Aug 2024 Theme: Beach & Summer

Appropriate themes for an August Photography Interest Group meeting, Beach and Summer photos were shared. Living in Southern California, it’s not difficult to find subjects that fit the theme. BUT with everyone’s busy summer schedules, it can be hard to schedule time to take photos. An “EDC” (every day carry) camera is often suggested by avid photographers so I try to bring a small camera everywhere I go. Everyone has a cell phone camera so the need for an EDC camera is lessened. But I still prefer a small zoom lens camera that I can take ‘grab shots’ when something catches my attention. Cathy and I did a beach ‘walk-about’ and looked for interesting moments. Barbara always carries her Olympus camera when she walks. The beach can be a really fascinating place to people watch. Here are the photos shared, most fit the theme or are close enough.

Barbara – shared an awesome surfer photo and pelicans at La Jolla Cove from early in the year.

Cathy – shared photos from a beach walk-about and summer fireworks from Sea World

Gary – shared some photos of his boat in Mission Bay and photos converted to watercolor-style paintings using the Waterlogue iPhone app. He also talked about astrophotography using the Seestar astrophotography camera. Images from that camera are copyrighted so I did not post them here.

Jerry – shared some great shots from Sunset Cliffs during a recent beautiful summer sunset.

Jim – shared photos taken during a recent beach visit with his grandson. Always a great place to catch photos that capture the summer theme and people watch.