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21 Aug 2024 Beach & Summer Theme: Cathy

Cathy did a beach walk-about, people-watching with her camera. La Jolla Shores can be crowded and she used her long lens’ perspective to emphasize the density of people enjoying the sun, sand, and ocean. She also shared a wonderful fireworks photo of Sea World’s short summertime fireworks show. Fireworks photography is always a challenge and she got a great shot. Here are the photos she shared:

21 Aug 2024 Beach & Summer Theme: Jim

I have been struggling to be motivated to take photos lately. The monthly meetings are actually motivation for me to make an effort to take my camera out. Without my usual travels lately, I’ve felt less interested in photographing locally. That’s a mistake. Fortunately a lack of theme-related images in my archives for this month’s “summer/beach” motivated me to bring my camera during a beach walk. People-watching at the beach can be fascinating with such a diverse crowd. Trying to catch moments with your camera is fun and challenging. Here are a few of my recent favorites:

21 Aug 2024 Beach & Summer Theme: Gary

Gary spend a lot of time outdoors and on the water. Much of his photography is focused on his trips and travels, even locally. He has a 17ft skiff he’s renovated and uses regularly around San Diego Bay. He shared photos of his beloved boat on the shoreline of San Diego Bay. Additionally, he’s been experimenting with an iPhone app, Waterlogue, that converts photos into watercolor images. He’s been really happy with the result and how easy the app is to use. Here are the photos he shared: