Category: Jim Wilkinson

21 Aug 2024 Beach & Summer Theme: Jim

I have been struggling to be motivated to take photos lately. The monthly meetings are actually motivation for me to make an effort to take my camera out. Without my usual travels lately, I’ve felt less interested in photographing locally. That’s a mistake. Fortunately a lack of theme-related images in my archives for this month’s “summer/beach” motivated me to bring my camera during a beach walk. People-watching at the beach can be fascinating with such a diverse crowd. Trying to catch moments with your camera is fun and challenging. Here are a few of my recent favorites:

17 July 2024 Theme Food/Color: Jim

Many of us rely on finding theme-related images in our photo archives is we are unable to take new ones. The recent warm weather makes taking your camera out less appealing. But motivation is one thing about being a member of the photography interest group. You often push yourself to get out an take new photos.
I did both this month, relying on some recent photos from my 2023 trip to Japan, and a local photo ‘walk-about’. I’ve been wanting to do some macro photography using the focus shift feature of my camera. So I setup on some flora I spied when walking the dog. Like astrophotography, macro photography takes some practice especially when using focus-shift on windy afternoons. So like astrophotography, macro photography will be something I’ll do more to get better. The local walk-about was to an area of Oceanside where I thought I might find some color – wall murals are common near the beach. I loved that a few of the photos I shared were a little bit better because of happy accidents. A bright orange car and bicyclist riding by the Cafe 101 mural; the train reflecting between the algae mats at Buccaneer Beach Bridge.

19 June 2024 “How I’d Edit” & Architecture: Jim

Jim enjoys using Lightroom and Photoshop along with other digital darkroom tools to bring out the best in an image. Practicing processing Milky Way images taken during his recent trip to Yosemite. He’s been learning how to use Starnet++ and StarXterminator with Siril to separate the Milky Way nebula from the stars. This allows the Milky Way to be processed independently from the stars, as separate layers.
For architectural photography, Jim watched a few tutorials on how to convert architectural images into ‘fine art black&white’. So many of the images he shared this month, were black&white high contrast, dark sky images.

15 May 2024 Before/After Theme: Jim

Jim shared recent images from his April trip to Yosemite with fellow photographer Gary. Here are his before and after images. He did some astrophotography of the Milky Way over Half Dome that he is still editing. But included below are two sets of initial edits.

17 Apr 2024 Eclipse/Street Theme: Jim

Jim’s travel plans took him to Anza-Borrego for the wildflower bloom. There were remnants and patches of the desert blooms but he was probably two week too late. Fortunately, conditions Monday morning Apr 8th were good for photographing the eclipse. With only ~55% coverage of the sun by the moon, a 20 stop ND filter was used on his 400mm lens (ND1000000). Without totality, the eclipse was fun to see but much less impressive. Fortunately, the Street Photography theme was a good opportunity for him to compile & present some photos from a recent Oceanside Pier walk-about.

There was an interesting discussion on the Pier Fisherman photo he presented – see below. Cathy thought the t-shirt logo was distracting; Sharon thought the PPG logo suggested a working-man persona. Gary thought the fishing cart was a distraction. So below is the original presented (which Jim still prefers), an edited version with the t-shirt logo removed, and another with both the t-shirt logo & cart removed. Getting feedback about the images shared is one of the best parts of our meetings. It give a photographer the opportunity to share their images and get a reaction from other people. It’s always fun to here their comments.

20 Mar 2024 Spring Theme: Jim

Jim took a his annual family trip to Arizona for San Diego Padres Spring Training. After a crazy electrical thunderstorm canceled Friday night’s game. There were two enjoyable, clear-weather day games. After Phoenix, Jim traveled to Camp Verde for five rainy days in the Sedona area. Somewhat depressing photography conditions aside, here a few photos shared at Wednesday photography interest group Zoom meeting. With a “Spring Season” theme, Jim also shared some photos from the Carlsbad Flower Fields shot under sunnier skies.

21 Feb 2024 Bird/Wildlife Theme: Jim

After focusing on primarily landscape photography, Jim has developed interest in improving his bird and wildlife photos. During a recent Safari Park visit, he experimented with the ‘get down to eye-level’ with the birds style. It was effective and will definitely become standard practice. He also visited Hawk Watch in Ramona and photographed the bird ‘ambassadors’. After Hawk Watch, he stalked a Red Tail Hawk in Ramona Grasslands during rainy weather. Using these plain sky images, did a quick demonstration of Photoshop’s sky replacement AI>