Category: Barbara Lowe

17 July 2024 Theme Food/Color: Barbara

Like other participants in this month’s meeting, Barbara shared both recently shot photos and ones from her photo archives. She always seems to find great images when visiting local spots. She is a great example of why having your camera with you, when going out for the day, can have great results.
Finding a large group of great food shots, unless you are visiting the San Diego Fair, is difficult. So like others, she pulled some delicious looking images worthy of a desserts magazine, from her collection.

20 Mar 2024 Spring Theme: Barbara

Barbara always seems to catch unique bird behavior during her walks around San Diego. Luckily (or habitually), she always has her camera handy and shows the patience necessary to catch unique moments. She has also been experimenting with street photography & post-processing, something she hasn’t been very interested in doing. I hope that the influence of our photo group.