Month: October 2023

28 Oct 2023 Meetup: Coronado Moonrise Photo Shoot

Several photographers from the UCSD Photography Interest Group met-up at Bayview Park to photograph the full moon rising over San Diego. The weather cooperated and it was a fairly clear evening and sunset. Some atmospheric haze was visible in the distance but overall the San Diego Skyline was clear. The moon rose towards the south bay so its position was not ideal for a shot of the taller buildings. It rose over Petco Park and the San Diego Convention Center.
Ideal photographic conditions of blue hour and the moon only lasted ~15mins. It will be interesting to see the variety of photos taken. There’s only so much you can do but post-processing can make a difference.

Jerry – Here are some images Jerry took

Jim – Here are some of the best images Jim shared


18 Oct 2023 Theme: Fall

October’s photography theme was Fall – an appropriate topic for the season. Meeting participants shared photos that matched the theme. The meeting was hosted by John Leighton since Jim Wilkinson was off on a photo scouting trip to Lone Pine/Alabama Hills in the Eastern Sierras of California. Here are some of the photos shared:



